2024 Healthcare Trends & Insights






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Download our report, 2024 Healthcare Trends & Insights with actionable tips on how leaders can rebuild team connections amidst the pandemic's lingering effects and prioritize well-being to overcome stress, trauma and isolation.

Here's a sneak peek at one of our findings:

Addressing physician loneliness, exacerbated by long hours and workplace stressors like burnout and compassion fatigue, necessitates a comprehensive approach. Healthcare organizations can contribute significantly by fostering a stigma-free workplace, instituting well-being programs and mental health resources.

2024 Trends Report Infographic 2-1

Key Takeways:

Professional Well-Being and Human Flourishing: Healthcare organizations are prioritizing well-being for their workforce by addressing burnout and using data-driven methods to support individuals, recognizing the human aspect behind each healthcare professional and how support can be integrated to help more individuals flourish.

Connection and Comprehensive Support: Fostering connections with oneself, colleagues and family is crucial for healthcare professional well-being. Services like WorkLife Concierge and coaching programs can help manage stress and improve work-life balance.

Systemic and Cultural Shifts: Healthcare is moving towards a culture that prioritizes mental health resources, peer support and flexibility, to combat burnout and support the well-being of medical professionals at all stages of their careers.