2024 Healthcare Trends & Insights


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In 2024, as the lasting impact of the pandemic continues to affect human connections, healthcare leaders face the challenge of rebuilding and strengthening bonds within their teams. Recognizing the toll of stress, trauma and isolation on healthcare professionals, there is a collective effort to diminish stigma and remove barriers, providing a unique opportunity for leaders to foster resilience and well-being.

Access crucial information on the state of mental health and well-being in the healthcare workforce with our comprehensive report, "2024 Healthcare Trends & Insights."

Here's a sneak peek of one of our findings:

While burnout and compassion fatigue remain top concerns for physicians, APPs and residents in 2023, emerging data unveils a surge in stress coupled with ineffective coping mechanisms, highlighting the need for proactive strategies.


Download the full report today for a deep dive into case findings, expert insights and actionable strategies to support your healthcare workforce.