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Is Your Organization Truly Invested in Well-Being?

Use this questionnaire as a method to prompt important introspective questions of your current well-being program. Help yourself answer the question—is the well-being program merely being invested in, or as an organization, are we truly invested in it?

Download the infographic: Is Your Organization Truly Invested in Well-Being?

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Additional Resources


Article: Don’t Invest in Well-Being if You’re Not Invested

Read more to learn how to evaluate if a well-being program is meeting the real needs of the organization, if they're adequately resourced and the demystification of the entire well-being concept.

Download Article

Infographic: Building a Well-Being Program

See the key milestones to keep in mind as you build and develop a well-being program in your organization.

Download Infographic

Article: Why Investing in Physician Well-Being is the Smart Business Choice

Download our article to understand the costs of burnout, why building a culture of care is critical across the entire organization, steps organizations can take to invest in their physicians and more.

Download Article